Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hola Everyone

So it's been yet another long while...

ahhhh so my entire family (thomas, me and the kids) have been down with some sort of flu/cold bug - i like to call it bronchflutis!

well let's see - mariah is doing well. growing more and more everyday as kids do i guess. every couple of days she seems to say something else that blows me away. i can't believe how she talks so grown up now.

Jimi is 1 year old now (3/5/07) - WOW! it's gone by toooooo fast. I can't believe it's already been a year since that scary freakin' day!

Thomas & I (i think) have decided on having at least one more. Though we seem to change our minds every other day and especially a lot more lately with how much bronchflutis has got us all down.

We finally decided on a little family vacation we're going to be taking next month. We're going to California. I know it's small cookies compared to where some people have been (ahhheeemmm thomas) - but I am very, very excited! I've never even been out of Oregon/Washington so it's going to be a blast! We're will be staying in San Francisco but sight seeing all over the bay area including Thomas's favorite, Santa Cruz! It will be sooo much fun.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hi to all of my blog followers! Love ya all!


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Just me said...

Thx you are cool I am 11 now btw I am the kid in this Jimi and my mo m is the one who rites all these