Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Nothin much is happening. Just workin or hardly workin I should say. Trying to decide if I am going to open up my own daycare or not.... hmmm. Wanted to do it for a long time now. IDK.

Kids are doing good... I cut MariaH's hair during our annual camping vacation with the familia. It's sooooo cute. I call it the Rihanna hair cut. (from the umbrella video). She loves it too! We also cut Jimi's hair recently too... his second hair cut. It's a mohawk - Sooo adorable. He looks a lot more like his daddy now!

Anyway, just a little update along with some recent pics. Hope ya'll are doing well! Take Care!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Long time no talk, eh?

Hi everyone,

well, things at the "GG's" house is still pretty much the same. Not much has changed. Jimi started walking a couple months ago... for those of you who don't get to see us much. Practically everyone else has seen him get up and take off running from especially his parents!!!

MariaH-Lee is growing more and more excited about starting school... wow! I can't believe she's almost to that point already. Her little life has been pack jammed with so much in her 5 years... and yet it seems like just a few months ago I brought her home from the hospital! Those days were so much different for me, us. HUGE thanks to Nicole for being there for me to help me threw the first few weeks of new mommyhood. Oh, and my mommy & sisters too... especially on those nights I sat up forever trying to sooth my screaming new baby girl for hours... before mom decided she'd had enough standing back, trying to let me deal on my own... she would come say... "you want me to try" - and what do you know within in minutes MariaH would stop... after 4 of us she def. had the experience! yep, just can't believe she's already starting school!

In that case, I suppose Jimi will be starting school in November... HAHAHA! He already weighs almost as much as Mariah... just shy by about 8 pounds I think. He's got the cutest little curly q's in his hair and starting to look a lot more like mama again... thank goodness no just kidding tom. lol. he's the most handsome little man ever! He can now say a whole wide rang of things... words I never expected him to say that are so much different than any other toddler's first words... or at least that I have ever heard of or know about. For example:

*He says: that, this, baby, here, owe, oh, uh-oh, hey, hi, bye, mom, dad, mama, dada, daddy, and his newest fave... "dude" lol which i do call him but it is really weird hearing him say it but he does & it's so adorable.

Anyway, Thomas and I are doing great... We had great birthday's... stopping in Santa Cruz for his b-day and being rained out of the park for mine. Haha. We've kinda started exploring our options in real estate & planning our Spring/09 wedding. Workin' at QD, workin' at home... still tired... you know, life. Fought some life changing battles in the past few months dealing with someone I thought was my friend. I lost a person very dear to my heart... but I've been losing her for the past couple years so getting over it has been suprisingly easy. Again, it's life. Needless to say, We're both very much looking forward to our next vacation!!!

Guess thats it for now, love ya all... take care... I'll write again soon. Recent pics: Enjoy!
MariaH lookin adorable!

Mini Thomas!!!

Rya n Carmen havin a picnic in the backyard

The start of his first haircut!

And it's all done!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gonzales Look-alike Meter

Can you believe this? --- I even tried a few different times and everytime it says he's equally like both of us - darnit!

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hola Everyone

So it's been yet another long while...

ahhhh so my entire family (thomas, me and the kids) have been down with some sort of flu/cold bug - i like to call it bronchflutis!

well let's see - mariah is doing well. growing more and more everyday as kids do i guess. every couple of days she seems to say something else that blows me away. i can't believe how she talks so grown up now.

Jimi is 1 year old now (3/5/07) - WOW! it's gone by toooooo fast. I can't believe it's already been a year since that scary freakin' day!

Thomas & I (i think) have decided on having at least one more. Though we seem to change our minds every other day and especially a lot more lately with how much bronchflutis has got us all down.

We finally decided on a little family vacation we're going to be taking next month. We're going to California. I know it's small cookies compared to where some people have been (ahhheeemmm thomas) - but I am very, very excited! I've never even been out of Oregon/Washington so it's going to be a blast! We're will be staying in San Francisco but sight seeing all over the bay area including Thomas's favorite, Santa Cruz! It will be sooo much fun.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hi to all of my blog followers! Love ya all!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

and some more!

This is Jimi in the tub this morning!

Hey everyone, I know it's been quite some time since my last update & no worries I plan on updating a lot more later on this week - but I just wanted to put some video up because I can't email these to all ya'll! So here is one of them - I am going to do more posts with more video's.

This video is of my cousin Trey (CeCe & Michael's son) - he's a little ham!