Friday, March 30, 2007

On the Road to Home


Well, We thought Jimi might get to come home today but his doctors would like to keep an eye on him for another day or two. They started him on Zantac for reflux two days ago. They think that is what's keeping those annoying Apnea spells going. So they want to wait for the Zantac to be well in his little system and see how he does with it. If that doesn't work then they are going to try another reflux medicine & see how that goes.

I was a little upset last night when I learned that he wouldn't be coming home today but I feel much better this morning. I am just so excited to get him home already! It's like having 5 billion dollars in your hands and not being able to spend a penny... lol. It's such a tease!

Mariah is doing good. She has spent the majority of the last month and "gamma's" - I miss her so much when she's gone. She is coming home tonight to stay. Even if that means carting her around with Thomas & I back & forth between work, daycare, the hospital and home. She becoming such a big girl. She doesn't even have her baby face anymore - she looks like a kid. Mom says that because she is a kid :).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Some pix of our Newest Addition!

This picture makes him look so chubby... He is a little piglet.

Thomas, changing his very first diaper ever! He did pretty good - at least he still hasn't been sprayed, YET!

So adorable! Thank you to the volunteers at OHSU - They walk around taking pictures of little ones for anyone who wants them for free! Very sweet!

Getting Anxious


Having two kids & a man - ok so three kids - is turning out to be a whole lot harder than I imagined! Mom, I don't know how you do it!

Mariah is doing great. She absolutely loves being a big sister & helps out sooo much. It's just, since Jimi is still is the NICU our schedule doesn't allow me very much time with her. Again, thank you mommy dearest cuz I don't know what I would do without ya! We work Mon-Fri and right after work we go straight to the hospital. We don't get home until usually after 10pm, then we go to sleep, wake up and do it all over again. The weekends aren't much better. Last weekend I thought I would have plenty of time with Mariah & be up at the hospital with Jimi. Boy was I wrong. All weekend went by and I only got a combined total of like 12 hours with my babies. The rest of the time was spent cleaning my house, grocery shopping, doing laundry.... ya know all the stuff I couldn't do during the week. Hopefully, this will be coming to an end real soon. NOTE: To Ben & Kara, (Truman's parents) I give major props to you. Ya'll are soldiers compared to Thomas & I. We are so done with this insanity already!
We did manage to take Mariah to the movies on Sunday though. She had a blast - she's never been. We went to see TMNT - my favorite from when I was a kid - for those of you who don't know, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? No, just kidding, it's the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. I think I was just a little more interested in it than her though. She did really good all except about the last five minutes... than she started talking a lot & getting out of her seat but other than that she was awesome. I was pleasantly surprised.
Jimi is also doing very good. He passed his hearing tests yesterday. No breathing tubes, no feeding tube - eating everything from a bottle and he is even breast feeding now. He is a freakin champion too. He knows exactly what to do. It's me that needs a little practice. His first time at the breast he took 23ccs & last night, his second time, he took 34ccs! Hopefully, in a month or so he will be able to be a full time breast feeder and momma won't have to use that stupid pump so often! He is now weighing in at 5lbs 15oz. We are very anxious to get him home - we can't wait!

Thomas & I would like to thank everyone for all of your support, prayers and most of all love!

Family & Friends,


Hi all, I have created this page for my little familia. I actually have been reading along with many, many others on Truman, a little guy born when his momma was just 23 weeks along. He is a strong little fighter & after a few bumps in the road, he is now at home with mom & dad 24/7. He is so adorable! Anyway, after keeping up with him I decided I wanted to create my own little blog to keep all my family and friends updated on what's going on with my family. Plus, it's a little easier than trying to keep up on emails with all my loved ones - now ya'll can just come to one spot and get all the latest news! I guess I better get started on designing this thing.

Much love,